• 14/A, Queen Street City, New York, US
  • support@support.com
  • Opening Time : Always

We will set up your account after payment has been received and we and/or our payment partner(s) have reviewed the order(s) for fraud. It is your responsibility to provide us with an email address that is not @ the domain(s) under which you are registering. In the event of an abuse issue or if we need to contact you, the primary registered email address will be used for this purpose. It is your responsibility to ensure that the registered email address is current or current at all times. If you have a domain name registered with genius iptv, it is your responsibility to ensure that the contact information for your domain account and your actual domain name(s) is correct and up-to-date. genius iptv is not responsible for a lapsed registration due to outdated contact information associated with the domain. If you need to verify or change this information, you must contact us by email. Providing false contact information of any kind may result in termination of your account.